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MoD in Heart Failure Made Easy
Using Fast Sketch to explain a complex mechanism of disease
To have an agent with a novel mode of action approved by the FDA and the European Commission is a great success for a pharmaceutical company. However, the next challenge is to convince health care professionals of the benefits the new drug offers.
Simplification is key
Our client contacted us because they were disappointed with an ongoing project, describing the science behind a new product. This project was stuck in the storyboard phase for months, as even the approvers did not understand all the details. So, the client asked us whether we could find a new way to explain the underlying mechanism of disease and the highly complex dual mechanism of action of a promising product candidate.
Our proposal to implement the story in a Fast Sketch film, reduced to the relevant facts, convinced our customer.
The storyboard was developed within a few days and it was possible to move the story, now easy to understand, quickly through the internal review processes. After another two weeks of production, the film was shown to an internal audience for the first time.
Narrated MoD and MoA Fast Sketch video for presentations, internal communication, and sales meetings
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