Laying the groundwork for a multi-unit eLearning tool for medical training

eLearning tools are important for pharmaceutical and biotech companies to provide their employees with the foundational knowledge they need for carrying out their responsibilities. Read more

Telling a visual story using a scientific slide deck

Scientific slide decks, mostly implemented in PowerPoint, play many important roles in medical affairs:
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Self-directed learning with PowerPoint: visually appealing and cost effective

Training for Medical Affairs is always challenging—particularly in the onboarding phase, when employees with different knowledge levels start their jobs at different points in time. Read more

Dual coding theory

Psychology professor and writer Allan Paivio hypothesized that visual input and verbal input are processed differently in the human mind and the information learned is then organized using mental codes corresponding to these separate representations. Read more

The essential role of coffee breaks for collaborative learning

Having regular coffee breaks contributes to the success of MasterClass collaborative learning scenarios. It gives learners the chance to get together after a set of activities and presentations to discuss the topics they have learned about.

Visual storytelling – the fast lane into the minds of your target group

Your messages constantly compete with a host of other information, bombarding your target group daily. As a result, the following rule applies: Read more

Storyboard – the basis of any animation

The storyboard is one of the most important work components for clients. Developed in close cooperation between medical and creative experts with years of experience, it contains the content of your story and shows how it will be displayed in the final film. Read more

Communicating complex content clearly with animated infographics

If you need to take in a lot of information within a short space of time, you cannot afford to delve into complicated tables or long scientific papers. Read more

Less is more – the key to success: interactive applications vs. films

Both interactive tablet applications and conventional films (incl. brand story, mechanism of action, mode of disease and study results) are very effective tools in their own right and both have their advantages and disadvantages. Read more

Procurement and Sourcing

Procurement and sourcing – who would you recommend for this job?

When brand teams in pharmaceutical companies need a special service for their product, the path usually leads to procurement. Brand teams frequently have questions like: Read more