Navigating the price range: Unraveling the factors behind visual storytelling solution costs

As a visual storytelling agency, we often face the question of cost when we receive a project briefing and create a proposal. It’s an understandable question. But the answer can vary greatly. In many cases, we first need to provide a price range, which naturally leads clients to wonder, “what do I get for the lower end, and what do I get for the higher end?” Read more

Transforming a live training session into a self-study tool for medical affairs

Training sessions are an essential aspect of any medical affairs team in a pharmaceutical or biotech company. They provide an opportunity for medical affairs professionals to learn about the latest developments, industry best practices, and new product launches. But face-to-face or online training sessions have some limitations. The most obvious: only those who participate on the day of the training session get to access the content. This means that all those who could not participate in the session, as well as new medical affairs professionals who join later, miss out on the valuable information. Read more

Can we get open files?

When you work with an agency on slide decks, illustrations, infographics, print materials, or videos, you probably want to use these assets for at least a few years and have them adapted for different markets or leverage them for other materials. That requires having what many people call “open files” or “source files.”

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Pub-explainer slide decks: Transform a scientific publication into an engaging slide deck

Scientific publications are valuable sources of the latest research findings and study data. Working in pharma, your team relies on this information to keep up to date with the latest developments in their field. Slide decks are often used to disseminate the newest information to internal and external audiences. But it can be challenging to create slides that are both easy to understand and engaging. In this newsletter, we offer some tips to bring publication explainer decks to life. Read more

Do-it-yourself or delegate? The question of creating a scientific slide deck

If you work in pharma, you know slide decks are the mainstay of scientific communication. They allow companies to relay complex medical ideas in ways that are digestible and easy to understand. Making a basic slide deck is relatively easy. PowerPoint is user-friendly, and pharma companies have robust scientific knowledge in-house. So why would anyone outsource their scientific slide decks to a visual storytelling agency? Here are some points to consider when you need to decide if it’s better to develop a slide deck yourself or it’s better to work with an external agency. Read more

How to improve an existing knowledge base slide deck?

In today’s case study, we’ll look at a very typical case: editing and improving an existing slide deck. This slide deck is intended to serve as a knowledge base for self-study. Read more

Understanding science – the difference between a graphic design agency and a visual storytelling agency

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most complex and highly regulated industries in the world. So, to communicate effectively with stakeholders like patients and doctors, it’s important that the message comes across clearly and accurately. We want to set the record straight and show what a graphic design agency and a visual storytelling agency can do for the pharmaceutical industry and which partner understands the science behind your products best. Read more

Why onboarding a team is like a dance class

Imagine going to a dance class and not knowing anyone. You feel completely out of place. You’re struggling to learn the steps, keep up with the music, and avoid collisions with other dancers. Everyone else in the room knows each other already. They are all moving in unison while you are still trying to figure out what to do with your feet. This is how many new employees feel when they join a company.
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The power of humor: why it matters in scientific communication

Humor in scientific communication? Like bad knock-knock jokes about tyrosine kinases? You might think humor undermines scientific credibility. Or that it’s inappropriate in communication about serious medical conditions. But interestingly, science as well as experience with hundreds of films, slide decks, and activities tell us otherwise. Read more

Cloud-based explainer video tools versus a visual storytelling agency: which one is right for you?

Whether you’re a pharma marketing manager or medical communications manager, every day you need to package information attractively for your target audience. Explainer videos can have an enormous impact. But who will write the storyboard? Who will animate the video? And why can’t you just do it yourself with some cheap software? Why bother explaining everything to an agency? Read more